Sunday, March 24, 2013


So here we are. Today was a bad day. My mommy made me get in the big rain box and she sprayed me with the stuff I drink. Then she put this stuff on me that made bubbles. She said I was taking a bath. Well she must not know I give myself a bath all the time. I'm glad she did though maybe now they will stop calling me stinky. They said I was stinky. They also say that I am a messy eater and bathroom user. Oh well their problem not mine. hehe. I love people foods. I just found this out. I have not found a favorite just yet. I like my can food to, but the people foods is much better.

So this new guy that came in isn't so bad. He likes to try and get my tail. I try and play with him but mom still is paranoid that we are gonna fight and hurt each other. I really just want to play. So does "the grid" We get along pretty good. Most times we just pass by one another, sniff noses and carry on. I am trying to teach him how to play. I don't think he gets it yet. He does like the mouse on a stick though. I have springs that I LOVE.  I also share my foods with him. I am teaching him people foods is the best. I will teach him lots.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So the trespasser came exploring today. I have not been happy. This is what I saw. That is mine foods!!!!!


So I got to go explorin today. My mom taught me not to leave the room without her.I am such a good kitty! This is what I got to see today.

Monday, March 11, 2013

So I have a new kitty as you may know. His name is Hagrid. He is just such an awesome cat. He "makes biscuits" purrs to no end and is for the most part a lap cat. It was so cool I pushed him down gently (to lay next to me) and he didn't get up. We are going to the vet at 4 today for his eye. I will let him say something.

Hi I is Hagrid. I luv mine new home. I gotted greenies and toys food and water. I just got to try some human noms. Oh wow was it yummy. I hope I gets more. I has a brofur who is not liking me to much. He put the bitey on my mommies. I gived her kisses though to make her feel betters. I has to get ready fur the vet I will be back soon.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting ready

So getting ready for Houdini's new brother. We are doing some thorough cleaning (litter boxes) and rearranging the furniture (litter boxes) and getting new furniture (litter box) oh and food bowls. We stocked up on cat nip (Dini already got into that) food, litter, gotta get some more toys though. Dini has either destroyed or lost (under the stove) almost all of his. Thats all for now. Good night.