Sunday, March 24, 2013


So here we are. Today was a bad day. My mommy made me get in the big rain box and she sprayed me with the stuff I drink. Then she put this stuff on me that made bubbles. She said I was taking a bath. Well she must not know I give myself a bath all the time. I'm glad she did though maybe now they will stop calling me stinky. They said I was stinky. They also say that I am a messy eater and bathroom user. Oh well their problem not mine. hehe. I love people foods. I just found this out. I have not found a favorite just yet. I like my can food to, but the people foods is much better.

So this new guy that came in isn't so bad. He likes to try and get my tail. I try and play with him but mom still is paranoid that we are gonna fight and hurt each other. I really just want to play. So does "the grid" We get along pretty good. Most times we just pass by one another, sniff noses and carry on. I am trying to teach him how to play. I don't think he gets it yet. He does like the mouse on a stick though. I have springs that I LOVE.  I also share my foods with him. I am teaching him people foods is the best. I will teach him lots.


  1. Hang in there, Hagrid. With any luck, that 'bath' was a one-time thing.

    Glad to see Houdini is teaching Hagrid the tricks of the trade.

  2. We are glad you are not stinky anymore. You will get extra cuddles now!
