Monday, March 11, 2013

So I have a new kitty as you may know. His name is Hagrid. He is just such an awesome cat. He "makes biscuits" purrs to no end and is for the most part a lap cat. It was so cool I pushed him down gently (to lay next to me) and he didn't get up. We are going to the vet at 4 today for his eye. I will let him say something.

Hi I is Hagrid. I luv mine new home. I gotted greenies and toys food and water. I just got to try some human noms. Oh wow was it yummy. I hope I gets more. I has a brofur who is not liking me to much. He put the bitey on my mommies. I gived her kisses though to make her feel betters. I has to get ready fur the vet I will be back soon.


  1. Hey, Hagrid, and welcome to your furrrever home. You don't know it yet, but there are lots of kitties & beans (and maybe even a woofer or two) who have been purrrrrrrring for you.

    Enjoy your noo home, and don't get too fussed about your brofur. He'll calm down in time.

  2. I hope so :) Thanks fur the purrrrrs!!!! The vet wus nice he said I needs to have one more pound then I will not be unner weightb YAY

  3. Hi there Hagrid and welcome to your new home. I bet you didn't know you were an internet celebritycat! We are so glad that you are now in your forever and ever home.

  4. Oh, Hagrid-- we are so glad you are HOME now. We know that it will take your new brofur a while to get used to you, he has been an ONLY for a while.

    All of us Bean-Aunties and kitties send you and Houdini and Mom Danielle hugs and purrs.

    Love to you all--Auntie Mumma Jan

  5. Hi Hagrid! I am SO happy to see you happy in your home! You are a very special kitty -- we all knew it right when we saw your picture!

    Give your mom lots of hugs and kisses! And go get that pound. :)
